Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tour of California

So I recorded all of the TOC stages on my tivo I have upstairs in the room I do all of my rides on the trainer in. I'd carefully sequestered myself so that I didn't have a clue as to what the results of the stages were despite the race being over for a couple of weeks now.

The plan was to have some motivational stuff to watch while logging some hours on the trainer this late winter/early spring.

So far I've watched the prologue which Fabian Cancellara won, and stage #1 which J.J. Haedo took in a bunch sprint. As luck would have it, something happened to the DVR and I lost all of the remaining stages I'd recorded.

I'm torn as to whether I just go ahead and see what ultimately happened, or if I hang on a bit longer incase their is a re-airing. I don't think it is likely.

At least I have the stage wrap-ups from the Fredcast that I can listen to. I had been saving those and was listening to them only after watching the stage.

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