Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Power Test

I did a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test on the trainer last night. I was trying to use the test protocol as prescribed in the Coggan and Allen book, Training and Racing With Power. Ironically, I couldn't find the book last night, and had to do the test based on my vague recollection of how it was laid out. It turns out I was close enough, and think the way I did it will give me good results. The key is repeating the test each time to track improvement.

I wanted to get a test in prior to heading of to AZ for 5 days of riding, and at the start of this Half IM build. I've never really tested myself regularly on the bike, so I'm hoping to learn a bit about myself with these tests.

I did a 10 minute warm up building up to what ended up being Zone 2. At 10 minutes, I gave a 10 min max effort interval. The purpose of this interval is to knock some of the freshness out of your legs for the real test to follow. Then I recovered for 15 minutes in Zone 1, then the test came with 20 minutes of max effort.

the 20 minutes felt like they lasted forever. The trainer tends to do that to me. I found myself squirming around a bit from the discomfort of the interval trying to find a place that didn't hurt. I'd do some time down on the aero bars, then pop up for a second onto the hoods, then I'd down shift a bit and do a high cadence span, then up shift and grind it out some. Then I'd stand and push a big gear for a few seconds. Just about anything to pass the time.

I recovered with a 5 min spin.

I'll re-test in a few weeks and hope that we see some improvement.

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