Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back from the Dead

Okay, a quick update post. I've been through a bit of a rough patch, but think I'm coming out of it now. I can only hope.

I got a terrible bout with food poisoning back on Tuesday night that absolutely decimated me. I quickly dropped about 5-6 pounds, didn't eat much of anything for 5 days, missed a couple of days of work, couldn't train, etc. It was bad. On day 5 (Sunday), I'd had enough of waiting for things to turn, so I went to an urgent care center, got some antibiotics and something to ease the wear on my guts, and within hours started feeling better. I was able to start eating close to normal on Monday, was able to run a bit and now Tuesday, feel normal again, though still a little weak from the weight loss.

So I missed my first race of the season through all of this and am disappointed about that, but luckily I have a race just 2.5 weeks from now.

I'm rejiggering my training plan to adjust for the fact that I missed a big training week last week, and hope to be able to hit the schedule this week. I'm hoping I haven't lost too much other than weight with this thing. We'll see.

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