Sunday, January 31, 2010

Train to Train

Today brought to a conclusion my 6th consecutive week of adding hourly volume, and TSS accumulation on top of the prior week. By no means am I rocking the house - week one was less than an hour of training, and week six had me just crack the 7 hr and 400 TSS barrier. The other milestone I eclipsed was that I trained 6 of the 7 days this week.

I think the plan is that I'll build up to 8 hours and perhaps 450 TSS next week, then start writing down workouts for each week, as opposed to doing what I want when I feel like it.

I've got some weight to drop, but it is coming around. I started logging my diet into the Daily Burn iPhone app, and am learning a lot about my food consumption habits. I naturally eat too many carbs, and not enough protein. I'm going to make a conscious effort to shift my diet in a more balanced direction, and hope I'll fell good in doing so.

I think I'll try to do a little build up for the Lonestar Oly in Galveston at the end of April. Perhaps slip in a local sprint in March weather permitting.

For now, the focus is base training, getting my running legs back, and being consistent.


Sanjiv Gupta said...

I was curious to know how you are calculating TSS. I have tried using a formula based on Intensity Factor and time. As some of my workouts are heavy on drills and interval, my relative perceived exertion is very different from my intensity factor based on critical speed.

hillary biscay said...

need a new greg update!! hope training is going well! :)